Sunday 28 February 2016



Imagine what the world would become in the future, in few years to come. Imagine how we will interact and deal with the environment, I mean, it is all happening too fast and there is this wind of change blowing from all aspect of the human endeavour and suddenly, there are on daily basis newer things to learn, develop and get accustomed to, even with those things we think we used to know. We will today focus on some new development in the telecommunication industry which has shown enormous growth worldwide.

Billions of people around the world use cell phones (mobile phones) and the high demand for this technology seem endless. In fact, more than a companion, it is now a part of many peoples life. On daily basis a countless number of transactions depend of ever busy communication lines linking mobile devices around the world and this off cause as a result of the level of satisfaction that has been created by cell phone manufactures around the world in terms of meeting every one needs. There are thousands of designs coming into the market on daily basis with each design trying to solve a new problem by bring to the user a better way of interacting with newer and more realistic interface.

Leading names in the industry such as Samsung, Apple, Microsoft and a whole lot of others has been working endlessly to bring the next surprise to the market. Better and smarter operating system such as Android, Smart-Crystal clear screens from Apple and longer battery power for high performance devices all these and more are just a pick into the amazing world of mobile technology.


 A flexible bendable screen! It is sweet the way this tech turns out, though it is not a totally new tech because it has been around for some time now (in a way), many researches has in the past demonstrated this idea in what is now known as paper screen b but this is the first time a tech giant such as Samsung is coming out this this cool touch. I mean, it has changed a lot on how we view mobile phones. I mean this does not use glasses like regular phones instead, it uses plastic and there is this huge display that can be bent back and forth. While on this, others are interestingly working on foldable phones and not just the screen. A phone you can simply wrap around your wrist to mimic a wrist watch or around any platform to make it very convenient for mobility.

The Google project Ara on the other hand has demonstrated something even cooler. Imaging being able to change parts of your phone to suite your outfit whenever you are dressed up for an occasion. You can have better camera, speakers, double power, night vision camera and best of all; you can now swap your broken in no time. LG G5 came up with a design that allows you to replace your battery by simply sliding out a section of the phone (upper section) which in turn can house a host of other gadgets ranging from smarter cameras and devices that can expand the functionality of the phone. It also comes with a finger print sensor behind it, QaudHD 1560 X 1440 pixels screen, Qualcomm® snapdragonTM 820 64bits processor and more.

Looking at the statistics in recent years, there is an incredible swelling growth in the development and this in turn points to one this; investors are smiling to the bank. Telecom is a  go place to invest in but the people who deserve the credit are those who have been rolling out these great designs, who are behind all this smartness and high performances, designers putting in their best, making intense research and bringing to reality all that has in the past thought to be impossible, they really deserve the credit. What comes next, may be letter transparent cell phones will be the next lead and on the software side of it, no one can correctly predict what the future holds as there are currently billions of mobile apps, hundreds of which are been introduced on daily basis.

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