Monday 22 February 2016



Tech has brought hunger for more tech and christmas is no exection as every one is looking to a point in time when they can simply shop high tech at low cost. there are lots stuffs out there and the fun is endless. The list of devices below will blow your mind and actually bring to the understanding that tech is limitless.

1. Microsoft prototype hologram visor:
the latest technological devices have allowed billions of people across the world to go hi-tech making new connections where there were once none. The latest tech news from Microsoft at their launch event for the new windows 10 operating system featured the unveiling of a prototype hologram visor which adds exponentially to making Minecraft a more realistic experience, connections on Skype and multiple other applications which bring things out into three dimensions.
Virtual reality is one of the latest frontiers in computing interaction with several technology firms from Facebook to Google working on their own virtual reality units to wow an ever demanding tech- savvy public. From gadgets that allow you to touch a loved one from far away to watches that share your heartbeat, the future of relationships seems to be going hi-tech.
This new generation of holographic visors allows wears to visit immersive virtual reality platforms using a head mounted display which attaches to the user’s head. But, this new generation of holographic virtual reality platforms are not the only virtual connection devices that will soon be hitting store shelves. The Apple Watch which is expected to launch in spring of this year will include a feature called ‘Digital Touch’ that will allow users to send their heartbeat to a fellow user by using a built-in sensor that can be sent to another user allowing the receiver to feel the other person’s heartbeat against their own wrist.
New Technology Eroding Real Human Interaction?However, there are more pioneering uses for the new generation of holographic headgear that includes being able to touch a virtual girlfriend’s legs, the setup will allow anyone wearing a headset to interact with a 3D version of anime character, Unity-chan, who may or may not welcome a person’s head on her lap using a pillow shaped like the anime character’s legs. These new technological advances will include machine feedback and pressure sensors that will allow users to experience computer technology in an entirely new way.

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