Sunday 28 February 2016



Imagine what the world would become in the future, in few years to come. Imagine how we will interact and deal with the environment, I mean, it is all happening too fast and there is this wind of change blowing from all aspect of the human endeavour and suddenly, there are on daily basis newer things to learn, develop and get accustomed to, even with those things we think we used to know. We will today focus on some new development in the telecommunication industry which has shown enormous growth worldwide.

Billions of people around the world use cell phones (mobile phones) and the high demand for this technology seem endless. In fact, more than a companion, it is now a part of many peoples life. On daily basis a countless number of transactions depend of ever busy communication lines linking mobile devices around the world and this off cause as a result of the level of satisfaction that has been created by cell phone manufactures around the world in terms of meeting every one needs. There are thousands of designs coming into the market on daily basis with each design trying to solve a new problem by bring to the user a better way of interacting with newer and more realistic interface.

Leading names in the industry such as Samsung, Apple, Microsoft and a whole lot of others has been working endlessly to bring the next surprise to the market. Better and smarter operating system such as Android, Smart-Crystal clear screens from Apple and longer battery power for high performance devices all these and more are just a pick into the amazing world of mobile technology.


 A flexible bendable screen! It is sweet the way this tech turns out, though it is not a totally new tech because it has been around for some time now (in a way), many researches has in the past demonstrated this idea in what is now known as paper screen b but this is the first time a tech giant such as Samsung is coming out this this cool touch. I mean, it has changed a lot on how we view mobile phones. I mean this does not use glasses like regular phones instead, it uses plastic and there is this huge display that can be bent back and forth. While on this, others are interestingly working on foldable phones and not just the screen. A phone you can simply wrap around your wrist to mimic a wrist watch or around any platform to make it very convenient for mobility.

The Google project Ara on the other hand has demonstrated something even cooler. Imaging being able to change parts of your phone to suite your outfit whenever you are dressed up for an occasion. You can have better camera, speakers, double power, night vision camera and best of all; you can now swap your broken in no time. LG G5 came up with a design that allows you to replace your battery by simply sliding out a section of the phone (upper section) which in turn can house a host of other gadgets ranging from smarter cameras and devices that can expand the functionality of the phone. It also comes with a finger print sensor behind it, QaudHD 1560 X 1440 pixels screen, Qualcomm® snapdragonTM 820 64bits processor and more.

Looking at the statistics in recent years, there is an incredible swelling growth in the development and this in turn points to one this; investors are smiling to the bank. Telecom is a  go place to invest in but the people who deserve the credit are those who have been rolling out these great designs, who are behind all this smartness and high performances, designers putting in their best, making intense research and bringing to reality all that has in the past thought to be impossible, they really deserve the credit. What comes next, may be letter transparent cell phones will be the next lead and on the software side of it, no one can correctly predict what the future holds as there are currently billions of mobile apps, hundreds of which are been introduced on daily basis.

Tuesday 23 February 2016



Modern cars are not just built to function better in terms of speed, they are also meant to function smarter and same is the electric cars. With the number of vehicle devices consuming energy on the rise, intelligent systems are needed to monitor and ensure efficient Battery Management. To start with, there hundreds of sensors parked in these cars which regulates every aspect of the car ensuring proper functionality and effectiveness in electrical output and balance system.  Semiconductor content in automobiles has been increasing rapidly. Its growth rate is likely to increase even more as carmakers embrace the green revolution. The sensor cluster for instance, provides all control units in the vehicle with the vehicle’s current movement status in the form of electronic signals.
Digital Chassis Accelerator Sensor measures of horizontal and vertical acceleration as part of chassis control.  Also, the chassis Position Sensor (CPS) Regulates the main beams with the CPS for greater road safety while The PAS (paddle Angle Sensor) can be used to detect the angle of the brake pedal in hybrid and electric vehicles. One major component of driving safety is monitoring the thickness of the brake pads on an on-going basis and that exactly is what the Brake Pad Wear Indicator does as well as Speed Sensors that gives information on both motor and wheel speed to enhance balance and break response.
More on the focus are battery sensors, since every aspect of an electric car is driven or reliant on the batteries, much attention is given to this power source to achieve higher efficiency. Automakers currently don’t allow their batteries to be charged all the way, which helps avoid the high voltage levels that can degrade battery materials or in some cases cause fire. They also keep some capacity in reserve in case overheating or other factors reduce the performance of the battery. They build in these safeguards because they don’t know exactly what’s going on inside each cell—the temperature, chemical composition, mechanical strain, voltages at each electrode, and so on.
Electric-vehicle battery packs could shrink 20 to 30 percent, and make electric vehicles more affordable, if new sensors were developed to monitor the cells in a pack, according to the U.S. government’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E). The agency says such sensors could have an even greater effect on hybrid gas-electric vehicle batteries, causing them to shrink by half.
Cell sensor: Small fiber-optic sensors  like those developed at PARC, could help makers of electric cars get the most out of the vehicles’ batteries.
Better sensors could tell what’s happening inside each of the hundreds of cells that make up an electric vehicle’s battery pack, allowing automakers to safely store more energy in them. A $30 million ARPA-E program that’s been underway for about a year is seeking to develop the necessary technology.
Developing new battery chemistries can take a decade or more, so increasing the capabilities of existing ones could be a faster way to reduce the cost of batteries, which remains one of the main things holding back the adoption of electric cars.
Other auto makes earlier on focused their attention on self-driven cars on which they demonstrated many fuel management techniques where computers calculate the distance to be covered and equate it to the amount of fuel needed to cover such distance thus, accelerating and maintaining the necessary speed in other to curb fuel consumption. Others experimented with trucks travelling along the same path, maintaining certain distances from each other in order to reduce drag which in turn reduces fuel consumption.
While looking at a future filled with AI and self-driven mobility systems, there is need to first eradicate (if possible) or at least reduce the level of emission of CO2 to a considerably low level. Many are of the opinion that it will take a longer time for EVs to attain the needed efficiency that will boast its usability and acceptance around the globe. Presently, there are just too many places around the world where EVs are just to practical, there areas needing intense infrastructural reform as regards electricity. Except drastic steps are taken towards developing more efficient cells and cheaper alternatives to electricity, the green revolution might as well be a far-fetched. The good news is, hundreds of researchers around the globe are committed to find a lasting solution to these problems and hopefully, in no time the EV will become a perfect replacement. There is more to look forward to.

Monday 22 February 2016



Tech has brought hunger for more tech and christmas is no exection as every one is looking to a point in time when they can simply shop high tech at low cost. there are lots stuffs out there and the fun is endless. The list of devices below will blow your mind and actually bring to the understanding that tech is limitless.

1. Microsoft prototype hologram visor:
the latest technological devices have allowed billions of people across the world to go hi-tech making new connections where there were once none. The latest tech news from Microsoft at their launch event for the new windows 10 operating system featured the unveiling of a prototype hologram visor which adds exponentially to making Minecraft a more realistic experience, connections on Skype and multiple other applications which bring things out into three dimensions.
Virtual reality is one of the latest frontiers in computing interaction with several technology firms from Facebook to Google working on their own virtual reality units to wow an ever demanding tech- savvy public. From gadgets that allow you to touch a loved one from far away to watches that share your heartbeat, the future of relationships seems to be going hi-tech.
This new generation of holographic visors allows wears to visit immersive virtual reality platforms using a head mounted display which attaches to the user’s head. But, this new generation of holographic virtual reality platforms are not the only virtual connection devices that will soon be hitting store shelves. The Apple Watch which is expected to launch in spring of this year will include a feature called ‘Digital Touch’ that will allow users to send their heartbeat to a fellow user by using a built-in sensor that can be sent to another user allowing the receiver to feel the other person’s heartbeat against their own wrist.
New Technology Eroding Real Human Interaction?However, there are more pioneering uses for the new generation of holographic headgear that includes being able to touch a virtual girlfriend’s legs, the setup will allow anyone wearing a headset to interact with a 3D version of anime character, Unity-chan, who may or may not welcome a person’s head on her lap using a pillow shaped like the anime character’s legs. These new technological advances will include machine feedback and pressure sensors that will allow users to experience computer technology in an entirely new way.

Sunday 21 February 2016



Just like conventional cars, the electric car consists of various parts that can be assembled together. Unlike conventional cars, it is quite easier to build an electric car just as it is less expensive. You may want to jump into this whole idea as your next project but before hopping into it, there are lots of considerations to make, yes, planning comes first. I am not going to be writing on all the steps required or all the materials needed, we are just going to look at a few basic material required  for a start. Some of these are:

  • Electric Motor
  • Motor Controller
  • Throttle Pot Box
  • Adapter Plate
  • Contactor
  • Fuse
  • Manual Switch
  • Batteries
  • Charger
  • DC/DC Converter
  • Gauges
  • Heater
    The above listed are the basic requirement for building an electric car. Once these are gathered, you can now get to work but not without structuring the frame first.

    Electric Motor
    Every electric car needs a motor. Electric motors vary in shape and size, weight and price. They can use AC or DC electricity. A budget builder may choose to use an electric motor from an old forklift or elevator system. There are also lots of electric car-specific motors available for purchase alone or as part of a kit. You will need to choose a motor that will suit your needs for performance and budget.

    Motor Controller
    The purpose of the motor controller is to adjust the speed at which the motor spins. If 120V were applied directly to an electric motor for example, it would run at full speed. There needs to be a means of adjusting the output of the motor and this is precisely what the motor controller is for. It allows the motor to run at any speed between zero rpm and its max rpm. This part can also be salvaged either from a forklift or golf cart.

    Throttle Pot Box
    A pot box is a small part that connects to your stock throttle cable. When you push on your throttle, the pot box sends a signal corresponding to the amount of pressure you’re putting on the pedal to the controller which then sends the proper power to the motor.

    Adapter Plate
    The adapter plate mates the electric motor to a stock transmission. These can be bought for any commonly converted vehicle. Most EV-specific motors have a standard bolt pattern so most adapter plates will work with most motors. If you use a motor from a forklift you will need to have an adapter plate custom built or of course if you’re a decent fabricator you can always do this yourself.

    This is basically a high-voltage relay. It connects your battery pack to the controller when you turn on the key.

    A fuse will blow and cut power when too much amperage is drawn. Manual Switch There needs to be one (or more) manual disconnects for the main battery pack. This way if all else fails you can manually disconnect the power and safely stop the vehicle.

    There are many different types of batteries available. The type of batteries that you choose will affect your performance and range.

    There are many different types of chargers available and the charger you need will depend on the batteries you use. DC/DC Converter The DC/DC converter takes the voltage of your main (traction) battery pack and reduces it to 12V which keeps your 12V battery charged. An electric vehicle still needs an 12V battery to power all the lights, stereo, horn etc. Keeping this battery charged can be achieved other ways as well. Some EV builders use an alternator that runs off the electric motor and others use a separate 12V charger to charge this battery.

    You will need to know what’s going on under the hood and this is where your gauges come in. Most basic EV builds use a high-voltage ammeter and voltage gauge (for traction pack voltage) and a low voltage gauge (12V system).

    Although a heater is not necessary to drive the car, it is a creature comfort that we have all become accustomed to. Being that the stock heater in any gasoline car uses heat created by the gasoline engine to heat the cabin, we need to figure out something else to get heat into the vehicle. On the other hand, you will need a cooling system in countries with high temperature, in this case, a cooling system or fan will be required instead. Many countries especially African and most Middle East countries have extremely high temperature and you will not be needing any heater.

    Now, there are many places were you can get high quality material, while online might be a good option, there might be an accessary store nearby where you can get most of the stuffs you will be needing. walking down to a store gives you the option to weigh exactly what you want and make the best pick. It is also worthy of note that before you start any project, even with the electric car, you must first put cost into consideration, time and other factors comes next, convenience is the last this to give your attention to.

Saturday 20 February 2016



Dynamic development of the electric vehicle market sets a number of challenges ahead for the EV market participants. Developing an effective EV charging infrastructure becomes a priority for the key market stakeholders. On average, current EV range is still limited to 60-80 miles on full charge (with normal charging time of 6-8 hours) which means that EV use range is expected to be limited to short and predictable routes in three main urban areas: work, home and commerce. Provision of charging infrastructure in the proximity to these areas is a first step toward expansion of EV. The next step is expansion of EV charging infrastructure at the key city points to match people’s flows. 

In many parts of the world, countries are taking advantage of the recent development in electrically powered vehicles to foster growth in their economy by encouraging engineering projects and green energy research and development. Poland for instance is making significant steps towards creating a plug-in vehicles charging infrastructure market recently. Regional Development Agency, responsible for local socio-economic development support and promotion, has initiated a project called “Creating Market for Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure as a Foundation for Energy Independence”. According to the project, proper functioning EV charging infrastructure in Poland is perceived as an important part of the energy network transformation, which would consist of small and dispersed alternative sources of renewable energy (EV battery would function as loads while connected to the smart grid). Financed by the EU, this project provides €0,86 mln for delivery and installation of the EV charging station infrastructure. Five Polish cities are to be equipped with 120 EV charging points (330 vehicle couplers) by July 2010: 136 vehicle couplers in Warsaw (including 10 inductive charging stations), 54 in Gdansk, 54 in Katowice, 53 in Krakow and 33 in Mielec. “Such charging points would be located in public and easy-accessible locations and several additional solutions (ex. free parking at the point of charging) are being discussed at the moment”- says Jacek Janowski, Chairman of Green Stream Polska, main contractor of the project.

On the other hand, Japan makes an almost perfect test-bed for understanding how consumers relate to electric vehicles. The country is home to many hybrid-electric vehicles (HEV)and electric vehicle (EV) innovations, the government actively supports and incentivizes EV use, and consumers are environmentally aware and knowledgeable about alternative transportation options. It ranked first Mckinsey 7 company's EV Index (EVI) for January 2012, which measures readiness in terms of both EV supply and demand. Japans concentration population means travel distances are often short and charging infrastructure needs are not overwhelming. Same developmental gestures are also evidence In many countries and this not limited to any region.

Technology is what it takes and idea is the drive. With this, most organisations are looking towards the sun and other greener means that have proved effective and reliable. sooner or letter or world will be freed from the level of damaging pollutions it faces from carbon emission and other industrial waste pumped into the atmosphere on daily basis.

Thursday 18 February 2016



The frame of the electric car is purposely designed to optimise speed and save power. Thus, they are built with altra-lightweight materials that are really tough. This frame provides the needed support and reduces drag, allowing the car to reach amazing speeds on its electrically powered motors. many designers has come up with various methods for design and has since flooded the market with different design concepts. We will focus on the frame, more specially, the suspension and floor of the electric car. The entire chassis is an amazing piece that translates into the results we have been seeing in recent times. It is truly unique. More so, the structural design of Automobiles determines the overall content and interior, based on space. With lesser weight and additional space, the electric car opens a new window of designs. Basically, it provides for less complexity in terms of organising.

Furthermore, while many decided to stay with more traditional concepts, known manufacturing and design technologies are often taken to its limits by combining the unibody structure with hydroforming and maximum use of structural adhesives, as well as laser welding, tailor-welded steel blanks, and roll forming. The process is computer interactive all along, optimizing sections, improving joints and using different steel qualities and material thicknesses at appropriate points in the design to create the optimum structure. A number of parts that would traditionally be created by sheet metal stampings can be replaced by one-piece hydro formed tubes. This required tight control during design of section perimeters and transitions and some unique joint designs.
stly, the key design material is aluminium. One may start wondering how an aluminium sheet that is so thin provides such tough support. This toughness is achieved through precision achieved by applying computing to construction. Machines are used for in cutting and forming while laser welding is mostly used to hold piece together. The main raw material for primary aluminium production is bauxite. Aluminium oxide is extracted from the bauxite, and is used in an electrolytic reduction process to produce primary aluminium. It takes roughly 4 – 7 tons of bauxite to produce 2 tons of alumina, which again yield 1 ton of aluminium. Primary aluminium is alloyed with other metals and is then fabricated into a range of products through casting, extrusion and rolling. In addition, it is far cheaper and lighter compared to some other metals.
In all, it all makes sense knowing how transformative this is and how it could help in reducing cost of production. Most students have used many alternatives, applying their techniques and concepts in the design and development of e-cars at their level.

for suggestions and contributions email:

Monday 15 February 2016



Have you ever wondered what powers the electric car? Exactly. Knowing fully well that electric cars are powered by batteries, many thought comes to heart figuring out how much energy is required to power the amazing motors that spins the wheels of an electric car. So many questions relating to cost, durability, charge time, safety, supply, demand and more. Many are of the opinion that the electric car revolution which in fact promises a greener earth in the future can be too fast a conclusion judging by the pressure that may come on batteries manufactures. The key question remains "will battery manufactures be able to meet up with battery demands for these cars? To answer this, there is need to first understand the type of battery and their output as well.

Presently, there are great number of battery manufactures out there who produces millions of batteries every month, but in a situation where most electric cars are fitted with 8,000 batteries and above, it make a lot of sense to start questioning manufactures ability for meet up with growing demands which has recently been on the increase. We are going to take a quick look at these batteries and the advantages they off as well as the possibility we are not going to run out of batteries or materials for making them one day.

Technology and cost challenges  Current battery performance of lithium-ion batteries is not sufficient to be widely used for HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs.  In addition to necessary increases in energy and power density (performance), other improvements are needed in durability, safety, and cost.
Durability: Batteries in PHEVs and EVs are required to have reliable durability for deep cycles to keep longer life (The Institute of Applied Energy, 2008). Vehicle makers are aiming to develop lithium-ion batteries with a guaranteed five-year or 100,000 kilometer driving distance (Nishino, 2010). Deep cycles of lithium-ion battery decrease the battery capacity rapidly, but PHEVs and EVs will be charged after the battery-stored energy is almost depleted. In addition, the power of lithium-ion batteries decreases in cold weather. For use of electric vehicles in cold regions, further technology development will be necessary to overcome this problem. 

 Lithium-ion batteries are vulnerable to short-circuiting and overcharging. Lead acid, NiCd and Ni-MH batteries perform safely even after short-circuiting and overcharging because they have low energy capacity and use inflammable electrolyte. However, when a lithium-ion battery short circuits, high electricity flows are created and the battery temperature increases to several hundred degrees within seconds, heating up neighboring cells and resulting in an entire battery combustion reaction (Jacoby, 2007). When lithium-ion batteries are unintentionally overcharged, the chemical structure of the anode and cathode are destroyed and some of the lithium ions form snowflake-shaped lithium metal deposits called “dendrites,” which can cause the battery to short circuit or, in a worse-case scenario, explode and catch fire. Impurities in the lithium metal can also contaminate the batteries and cause the formation of dendrites, potentially Lithium-ion Batteries for Hybrid and All-Electric Vehicles: the U.S. Value Chain  17 causing short circuits and explosions (Buchmann, 2007). To prevent overcharging, lithium-ion batteries must be sold as battery packs with very precise voltage control systems. In other words, cells cannot simply be installed into a given electronic application. Even though lithium batteries have a number of safety measures (see U.S. Value Chain section, page 31), further safety measures need to be developed for vehicle use.  Note, these standards varies from countries to countries, thus, there is need for the implementation to a universal standard.

 The high cost of lithium-ion batteries for vehicle use is a critical concern. According to the most recent estimates available for batteries for vehicle use, the cost of lithium-ion is four to eight times that of lead acid and one to four times that of NiMH (Nishino, 2010). However, the cost of lithium batteries is expected to decrease significantly because the batteries will be increasingly used for many applications, such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS), forklifts, consumer electronics and backup power supplies. As the market grows and production scales up, manufacturers will be able to enjoy economies of scale. According to Deutsche Bank, the cost of lithium-ion batteries will decrease from $650/kWh in 2009 to $325/kWh by 2020 (Deutsche Bank, 2009).

The expectation that the owner of an electric car should be able to drive it both at blisteringly hot summer temperature and at subzero winter temperatures poses substantial engineering challenges. batteries can be optimized for both high and low temperature but it is difficult to engineer them to function over a wide range of temperature without incurring performance degradation. for instance, batteries optimized for performance and endurance in cold climates would rely use electrolytes and materials that allow high temperature storage. All these and many more are to be put into consideration during production of batteries and that means a lot. Hopefully, many studies are under way, studying different conditions and proffering various solutions for better result. Tesla Motors have been doing a good job in show casing these new capacities and capabilities and has proven how much punishment a battery can take and how far they can go, at that, they have continued to pull new amazing records.

Sunday 14 February 2016


Every thing about the electric car is fascinating and proves we can (only if we want to) improve our condition of living and as a result reduce the risk of diseases caused by emission from combustion engines.  Electric cars have a motor just like conventional, internal combustion engine cars. The difference is that the power supply is derived from battery-stored electricity rather than the mechanical power derived from burning gasoline. The batteries used in electric cars vary in design, and include the lead-acid type familiar to all conventional car owners, lithium ion, similar to those used in laptops and mobile phones, but once again much larger, molten salt, zinc-air, and various nickel-based designs.

An electric motor (DC)
In an electric vehicle the traditional gasoline or diesel engine and fuel tank is replaced with an electric motor, a battery pack and controllers. The vehicle also has a controller that powers the electric motor that uses rechargeable batteries as its energy source. The motor itself can be either AC or DC. The main advantage to electric vehicles is that the motor and battery configuration allows the vehicle to run more fuel-efficiently. DC motor installations tend to be easier and less expensive to build. DC motors also have an overdrive feature which means that for a short period of time the motor will accept more energy and deliver more horsepower as a result. This feature is useful in a vehicle because it can help during acceleration. The motor, however, cannot be run in overdrive too often because the motor will overheat and could malfunction.

AC motor installations are more expensive than DC installations. They usually use a three phase AC motor that allows regenerative braking. This means that during braking the motor acts in reverse as a generator and delivers power back to the batteries. 15% of the energy used for acceleration can be recovered using regenerative braking. This amount is not enough to fully recharge the battery pack, but it will extend the range of the vehicle.

In a DC electric car, the controller delivers the power from the batteries to the engine in a controlled way. The controller pulses the power to the engine usually at a frequency of 15,000 times per second. The frequency is outside of normal human hearing which is why the controller and motor is silent. In an AC electric car, the controller needs to create three Electric vehicles T-611-NYTI-21652 New Technology Page 8 pseudo-sine waves. The controller takes the DC voltage from the batteries and pulses it to the motor. In addition, the controller via transistors reverses the polarity of the voltage. (McClellan, 2010) The biggest technology challenge for electric vehicle engineers comes with the batteries. Lead acid batteries are not ideal for the job because they are heavy and bulky, have a limited capacity, take a long time to charge, have a short life, and are expensive. Therefore, either lithium-ion or nickel metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries are used instead. NiMH batteries double the range of the car and have a long useful life. However, the cost of the batteries is at least ten times higher than lead-acid batteries, and like lead-acid batteries, they are not good for the life of the vehicle.

An electric vehicle also has a normal 12-volt lead-acid battery. This is the same type of battery that
every vehicle has and is used to power all of the vehicle accessories such as the radio, lights, power windows, etc. An electric car needs a DC to DC convertor to convert the voltage from the main battery back to 12 volts and to keep this battery charged. Finally, an electric vehicle needs a charging system to recharge the batteries. The two main functions of the charging system are to charge the batteries as quickly as possible and to avoid damaging the battery pack during the charging process.

The technology and components used in an electric vehicle is constantly evolving, and engineers are finding new solutions every day to the technological issues. It looks like electric vehicles are here to stay, and the battery and other electric vehicle technology will only continue to improve.

Now lets take a look at the balancing and battery placement on this impressive machine and maybe you will start to understand better the level of space that has been created as well as the impressive finishing that's was put into this great design. Most designers prefer to pack the batteries just beneath. At that, it fits in most and considering the type of battery being used and how compact it can be, the shape and design just varies. Surprisingly, this batteries are highly efficient and reaches a long range (distance) and brings it head-on with regular combustion engines. For the advantages if gives and its eco-friendly nature, it has also proven to be cost effective and with time, we hope this revolution spans across the globe.

Friday 12 February 2016



Now while surfing through the net for more exciting innovations on the new electric zooming
zoomer, I came across a whole lot of interesting stuffs and I tell u its a lot of fun. I found this one on this blog, it caught my attention because it holds a lot of details. I figure it might interest you too, take a look, its titled "
The Electric Car Revolution"

Here’s how electric cars have grown in the marketplace over the past four years.
Globally, at the end of 2010, there were 25,000 electric cars on the road. At the end of 2011, there were more than three times that amount: 80,000. At the end of 2012, there were 200,000, two-and-a-half times more. And at the end of 2013, there were 405,000.

Translation? The number of electric cars on the roads has been doubling or tripling every year for the past several years. Although electric cars represent just approximately one percent of the automobile market, the growth trend is similar to what we’ve seen for every other disruptive technology: washing machines, dishwashers, computers, laptops, cell phones, smartphones, cassette tapes, CDs, MP3 players, and digital cameras, to name a few. From a certain point of view, we could say that electric cars are about halfway to market domination.2
Not every technology that starts out strong ends up taking over. These first several years of electric car growth follow the disruptive technology pattern, but they don’t guarantee an “electric vehicle revolution,” as many in the industry refer to it. For a technology to replace another so completely, it needs to be: 1) much better, 2) cheaper, or 3) both. You aren’t going to buy an electric car simply because other people are beginning to do so. You’re going to buy an electric car because it makes much more sense for you. I’m convinced that for the average person, this time will come – this year, next year, or sometime in the coming decade.


Whether we like it or not, we are a convenience-based society. So many of our products and services are based around convenience, and that’s true for electric cars as well. How much time do you spend each year going to the gas station, filling up, paying, and getting back on the highway? With an electric car, all you do is plug in when you get home and unplug when you are ready to leave.
Unfortunately, there’s so much hype about the shorter range of electric cars on a full charge compared to gasoline-powered cars on a full tank that an outsider might have the impression that electric cars are less convenient. But very few people drive 80 miles in one day on a regular basis. In the few instances when you do drive that distance, renting or swapping a car is an option.
In discussions about limited range, affordable electric cars such as the Nissan LEAF are often cited as an example. The situation improves if you can afford a Tesla Model S, widely considered the best mass-manufactured car on the market, gas or electric. For those of us not in the luxury car category, the technology is quickly improving. In a handful of years there will be many electric cars available that will have a range of up to 200 miles.
Convenience goes beyond charging. Electric cars have very few moving parts and their motors are much simpler than gasoline engines. Forget oil changes (not needed), busted tubes and valves (not used), muffler problems (nonexistent), smog checks (zero-emission vehicles are exempt), brake problems (regenerative braking helps your brakes to last much longer), and transmission problems (no transmission, no problems).


The other big seller is pleasure. To my mind, there’s no doubt: electric cars are much more pleasurable to drive. They are extremely smooth and quiet, and electric motors are about three to four times more efficient than gasoline engines.
But the best part about the performance of electric cars is what’s called instant torque. Even if an electric car and a gasoline car have the same 0-60mph rating (for example, seven seconds), the electric car feels much quicker because of that initial burst. It’s termed the "EV smile."
The smooth ride makes driving fun, but also easier and less stressful. The most nerve-wracking aspects of driving are when you have to accelerate onto a highway with fast-moving vehicles, turn across a few lanes, or accelerate into a roundabout. The instant torque that electric cars offer lets you do all of this much more quickly and easily. This, along with the convenience factor, is what will sell electric cars to the average person, once they do a test drive and realize what these modern vehicles offer.


Time is money, so the massive time savings you get from not having to go to the gas station, in for an oil change, and to the mechanic will amount to a great deal. However, electric cars actually save you literal money. They are approximately three to four times more efficient than gasoline-powered cars. The most efficient hybrid on the U.S. market, the Toyota Prius, gets 50 mpg. The most efficient electric car on the U.S. market, the BMW i3, gets 124 mpg equivalency (mpge). The average new car in the U.S. gets about 25 mpg. The most popular electric car, which costs a little bit less than the average new car before any financial incentives, gets 114 mpge, making it four times more efficient than the average new car. (The average new car costs a little over $30,000, while the Nissan LEAF costs $28,800 before any financial incentives, $21,300 after the federal EV tax credit).

Annual Cost of Ownership

Annual Fuel Use: the amount of fuel excluding electricity (gasoline, E85, diesel, etc.) used by this vehicle in a year. CNG use is in gasoline equivalents (GGE). One GGE of CNG is an amount of CNG that has the same energy content as one gallon of gasoline.
Annual Electricity Use: the amount of grid electricity used by this vehicle in a year. This value will be zero for hybrids or other vehicles that do not plug in.
Annual Fuel/Electric Cost: the cost of all fuel used by this vehicle in a year (including gasoline, electricity, or other fuels).
Annual Operating Cost: the first year operating costs (including fuel, tires, maintenance, registration, license, and insurance).
Cost Per Mile: first year operating costs (including fuel, tires, maintenance, registration, license, and insurance) per mile traveled.
Annual Emissions (lbs CO2): Amount of greenhouse gases emitted by this vehicle in a year.
There are many factors to take into account when looking at cost of ownership: upfront expenses, fuel, maintenance, financing, and longevity. After considering these factors, I’ve found that in many cases a person ends up saving thousands, if not tens of thousands, with an electric rather than a gas car. The payback time can be as short as two to three years, and it’s almost always within five years.
Source: Cost of Ownership

Cumulative Cost of Ownership by Year Assumptions

The featured graph shows the cumulative cost of ownership by year for each vehicle, including fuel, tires, maintenance, registration, license, insurance, and loan payment. The tool used to generate the graph assumes a five-year loan with a 10 percent down payment. Year one on the graph represents the 10% down payment plus the first year’s total operating costs. For more information about the information used, visit the Alternative Fuels Data Center website
However, that’s not the end of the money story. Think about it: the cell phone you bought 10 years ago was much different than the one you have today. In a few years, gasoline will be more expensive and electric car technology will be much cheaper. Electric cars will be much better and more cost-competitive in five years than they are today.

Global Benefits

Let’s not forget that electric cars have broader advantages than those that benefit just the individual owner. They cut our dependence on oil, and thus reduce our need to defend oil supplies in foreign nations. They don’t create any direct pollution or global warming emissions compared to conventional vehicles. In addition, there are solar panels available which allow you to drive on sunshine. Reducing oil dependence, air pollution, water pollution, global warming, and their myriad associated problems is something many people genuinely care about. This makes the switch to electric cars that much easier and more logical.

Supply & Demand

It’s worth noting that the technology behind electric cars is fairly new. Costs are coming down rapidly. As more people buy them, manufacturing processes will improve and there will be economies of scale that drive down costs. It’s a virtuous circle. In the case of gasoline-powered cars, the price of oil and gasoline, which are limited resources, will continue to increase.
Back when gasoline cars started to take over the market from electric cars, people like Henry Ford’s wife stuck with their electric cars because of how easy, convenient, and pleasant they were to drive. Thanks to wonderful advances in batteries, as well as improvements in automotive technology, we’re again entering a period where people will choose electric over gas. Eventually, the tables will turn again and gasoline cars will be the historic oldies that few people have ever driven.
*I’m using "electric cars" inclusively in this article in order to include plug-in hybrid electric cars and extended-range electric cars as well as 100% electric cars.
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