Thursday 30 August 2018


What do you think of the future, where do you think technology would lead humanity? Humans are complex brings and are getting very well adopted to their environment and changes that comes with time, have you ever wondered what comes next?

When I look at the future I don't see space crafts alone that could travel into deep space or vehicles that will run on batteries on computerized roads, there is even more and that's what I am talking about.

As we become more aware, the role of men and women and what they represent in our society has begun it's dramatic shift towards what lIfe in the future is going to be. There are series of arguments and movements about today's women and what her role is in the society as well as men and their views on feminism and all these will get even tenser in years to come .
To settle this device, I see a future were natural childbirth will be outdated and out fashioned, a world where you won't need a man or a woman whosoever to reproduce. A society were with technology we can create the rules and produce just the right amount of humans to match the available resources and creative balance in the system. Yes! We will grow humans in the future and in some distant future it maybe unheard-of that any one puts to birth.

There are lots of advantages that comes with this sort future society where we will eradicate sex and gender, a society with no men or women but humans roaming the earth in pursuit of one greater purpose. This is the kind of world every one should dream and work towards.