Monday 12 September 2016



The world today is not what it use to be in time past, there has been a great advancement from what we are used to, into what it has become today. This great limp is a prove of the restiveness of the human psyche towards attaining technological heights never reached before.  It is worthy of note that this tremendous change effected every field of human en-devour simultaneously and has been growing at its fastest paste ever since. Man has finally figured out how to integrate tech into his every day living, making life ever more complex by defining new rules and life style by which the growing human population must adapt to in order to survive.

In today's world, it is no longer an issue of living life your way rather, technological Advancement has patterned a way of life for everyone, depending on social status and geography, which makes it near impossible to remain or grow a natural minded man. Science has contributed greatly to the good, bad and evil that has befallen man in recent years. Technological Evolution is the great diversification we see today in every sector. every device you pick today, tracing it back to a few years ago will leave with a great astonishment as to how far and fast we have grown and how much we have learnt in a little time frame compared to what it use to be.

Though the human society has gotten its fair share of this Technological Advancement, the Military has benefited more in all fronts, the military has always been forty years (or more) ahead in its technological development. More so, it has utilized more of its resources trying to stay ahead of the game because that is what the military is all about. This has always come at a high cost, lots of prices has been paid especially in trying out new technology but no one will come plain to admit that such ever happened.Thus, it has been tech at the expense of human lives and most people are ok with this.

Many have raised alarm on the vastness of military experimentation and the height of secrecy that envelops the entire process, living the public, especially tax payers in complete dark while millions are been spent on projects that are meant for future warfare. Further more, there has been a wide speculation on the involvement of the military of major powers around the world with Extraterrestrial Beings (ETs) and the so called UFO sightings that has made many to press further on the government. With much sightings and less concrete-visible evidence, no one can say for sure that the government are hiding ETs or exploring technologies from downed/recovered UFOs, at the same time, no one can completely disprove the existence of such possibility judging by the numerous (thousands) of sightings around the world by the public as well as personals who has worked with the military  and has manned significant positions during their service days.

Technological has changed the way we interact with the environment, it has reorganized us into a new definition and at such we now see the world differently. Transportation is a key sector where there has been a tremendous development as we are gradually coming into the era of Electric cars and at such, self driven cars which have promised to be all over in no distant time. Air transportation has also improved drastically and same goes for all other means of transportation.

On the other hand, the communication industry has grown far more than other sectors within the last decade. with an ever increasing demand in the communication industry, it has taken the lead to become one of, if the that fastest developing arm of this tech revolution. Man kind has jumped from point A to X from when it used to be the land lines to this point where there is no end to designs, functionality and capability of smart phones, it is a whole new world if you had time traveled from the mid 80s.

The role of technology is endless only if used to improve living condition on earth for man kind thus, we are yet to see the Technological evolution that will bring balance to life on earth and allow every the freedom to the live life the way it is supposed to. The evolution will properly begin once humanity put aside war and the selfish act of Mind control through creating fear and terrorism and put together all its resources to building a one sustainable peaceful earth we can all call home.