Saturday 30 July 2016

Rethink Your Drive


Driving determines how and were you go and how much time you spend through this process. Driving is important in our everyday lives for those who own a car and even those who do not. The US publisher Ward's, estimate that as of 2010 there were 1.015 billion motor vehicles in use in the world. This figure represents the number of cars; light, medium and heavy duty trucks; and buses, but does not include off-road vehicles or heavy construction equipment (lifted). The above obviously shades much light on the importance of road transport network and its importance in this century. 

While a hand full of people prefer to fly, you just can not get to your end destination by air, can you? And that is for the rich if you ask me, after all, many people around the world have never come a thousand yards close to an air plan. Haven said that, Land transportation is everybody's thing and at such, is gradually growing into what many visionaries have thought it to grow into. It could be fun driving around, especially driving in those supper cars that are supper fast and supper expensive. It could also be fun driving those draggy ones meant for off road or better still, those intended for use on the beach sides. We can go on listing how fun it can be while driving or to drive but then, all the fun comes to a halt on a traffic  jam (have you even been stocked in traffic, nothing can be worst when you have an appointment to catch), bad roads, engine or other related faults, not to mention road accidents.

As the use of automobile increases, so also its risk to humans. Emission from engines is doing more harm to the earth climate to add to the frequent lost of lives resulting from road use errors and other factors such as bad roads. There is therefore need for us to rethink our means of mobility, our transportation it all perspectives. While the Hyperloop project has promised tremendous transformation in future transportation, we need take a look at the cutting edge innovations that have change the way we view road transportation.