Tuesday 19 April 2016



The world today unlike what is seen in the ordinary is very diverse, concealing a dept of knowledge only accessible by mind who desire. Often, many are contended with that which they know and that which they are told of, they lack the thirst for versatility in natural occurrences and the interest to dig out facts hidden just beneath their skin. You must at this point be wondering why use the title "YOU ARE PROGRAMMED", I tell you the fact, in order to truly understand what am about to lay down, you must first clear you head of certain unnecessary factors and keep an open mind, Open mindedness with which you can analyze what i am about presenting before you.

To start with, PROGRAM when defined in relation to Computing is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program's instructions in a central processing unit (Wikipedia).  Also, the Mind is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought or The mind is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory (Wikipedia). As much as there is no universally agreed definition of what a mind is and what its distinguishing properties are, you can agree with me that the mind controls who you are as well of your views of the physical and psychological earth. 

Every man reasons differently, but surprisingly, most  people have a collective way of passing judgement or drawing conclusion over certain matters which is mostly as a result of the kind of orientation they are given, books they read, stories they heard or the kind of society or environment they grew into. This my friends is evident that you can be made to act in a way, which in turn means to be Programmed. While you are still rapping your head over what to agree on, have you noticed how often men lost after the structural features of the opposite sex? I actually want to agree to the biological evidences that has been presented as the leading cause of lost but the problem with biology is that it proffers biological solutions to psychological issues. It is more like hardware and software, were the body is the hardware and the mind is software. What you should know is that your body is designed to carry this program and your body is configured to sustain a heavy stream of information linking it to its environment.

There are many levels to this programming of the human mind but for a start we will deal with Nature. Nature from what we have discovered so far is vast and complicated. Recently, many have come to understand that there is more to it than Biology. As humans, most of the things we do (our actions) are imprints that points to our level of operation within the physical earth. Every thing is ordered in relation to the natural environment in connection to the psychological realm which controls the physical. Nature is the name you know, even when it is obvious that there are other forces acting in several ways. What you must keep in mind is that the human man is a programmed kind. We are programmed to learn, to survive, to grow, to improvise, to die. Every thing we do, we act just as programmed to.
Do not get it wrong, this is not based on the perspective of our everyday engagement. As mentioned earlier, our program allows us to learn. Many people view themselves as acting independently of any force, many have even conveniently theorized the gradual evolutionary processes from which we became, painting it clear that we live independent of any form of kind of interference. That could be true, in fact, it is true in the minds of many who are fighting had to raise evidences that supports their views. It is so very obvious that these facts can been found within us, the fact that we have some sort of program running in us, the fact that a human will always have human instincts even when kept away from human from or before birth, the fact that certain behaviors are encoded in our DNA, information passed down the ages.
Have you given it a good consideration, Humans are meant to be lead, this was not such a unique feature until they started make own choices, taken own actions and more. There are things that you will ordinaryly not do but then, you start wondering why you do them, why you go to certain heights to do certain things. Just like the programs we are accustomed to (the computer program) you dont decide how it works, the programmer does, you do not know exactly why you are here, when you came to be and or where u came from, but your instincts tell you, there must be something out there. The evolutionist explanations of life formation simply satisfies the curiosity of many who simply needs a more human answers to the question "HOW". factually, it never stopped at that and that is not an evidence to our existence. We are yet to understand the truth, especially when viewing it from the ordinary.