Monday 12 September 2016



The world today is not what it use to be in time past, there has been a great advancement from what we are used to, into what it has become today. This great limp is a prove of the restiveness of the human psyche towards attaining technological heights never reached before.  It is worthy of note that this tremendous change effected every field of human en-devour simultaneously and has been growing at its fastest paste ever since. Man has finally figured out how to integrate tech into his every day living, making life ever more complex by defining new rules and life style by which the growing human population must adapt to in order to survive.

In today's world, it is no longer an issue of living life your way rather, technological Advancement has patterned a way of life for everyone, depending on social status and geography, which makes it near impossible to remain or grow a natural minded man. Science has contributed greatly to the good, bad and evil that has befallen man in recent years. Technological Evolution is the great diversification we see today in every sector. every device you pick today, tracing it back to a few years ago will leave with a great astonishment as to how far and fast we have grown and how much we have learnt in a little time frame compared to what it use to be.

Though the human society has gotten its fair share of this Technological Advancement, the Military has benefited more in all fronts, the military has always been forty years (or more) ahead in its technological development. More so, it has utilized more of its resources trying to stay ahead of the game because that is what the military is all about. This has always come at a high cost, lots of prices has been paid especially in trying out new technology but no one will come plain to admit that such ever happened.Thus, it has been tech at the expense of human lives and most people are ok with this.

Many have raised alarm on the vastness of military experimentation and the height of secrecy that envelops the entire process, living the public, especially tax payers in complete dark while millions are been spent on projects that are meant for future warfare. Further more, there has been a wide speculation on the involvement of the military of major powers around the world with Extraterrestrial Beings (ETs) and the so called UFO sightings that has made many to press further on the government. With much sightings and less concrete-visible evidence, no one can say for sure that the government are hiding ETs or exploring technologies from downed/recovered UFOs, at the same time, no one can completely disprove the existence of such possibility judging by the numerous (thousands) of sightings around the world by the public as well as personals who has worked with the military  and has manned significant positions during their service days.

Technological has changed the way we interact with the environment, it has reorganized us into a new definition and at such we now see the world differently. Transportation is a key sector where there has been a tremendous development as we are gradually coming into the era of Electric cars and at such, self driven cars which have promised to be all over in no distant time. Air transportation has also improved drastically and same goes for all other means of transportation.

On the other hand, the communication industry has grown far more than other sectors within the last decade. with an ever increasing demand in the communication industry, it has taken the lead to become one of, if the that fastest developing arm of this tech revolution. Man kind has jumped from point A to X from when it used to be the land lines to this point where there is no end to designs, functionality and capability of smart phones, it is a whole new world if you had time traveled from the mid 80s.

The role of technology is endless only if used to improve living condition on earth for man kind thus, we are yet to see the Technological evolution that will bring balance to life on earth and allow every the freedom to the live life the way it is supposed to. The evolution will properly begin once humanity put aside war and the selfish act of Mind control through creating fear and terrorism and put together all its resources to building a one sustainable peaceful earth we can all call home.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Rethink Your Drive


Driving determines how and were you go and how much time you spend through this process. Driving is important in our everyday lives for those who own a car and even those who do not. The US publisher Ward's, estimate that as of 2010 there were 1.015 billion motor vehicles in use in the world. This figure represents the number of cars; light, medium and heavy duty trucks; and buses, but does not include off-road vehicles or heavy construction equipment (lifted). The above obviously shades much light on the importance of road transport network and its importance in this century. 

While a hand full of people prefer to fly, you just can not get to your end destination by air, can you? And that is for the rich if you ask me, after all, many people around the world have never come a thousand yards close to an air plan. Haven said that, Land transportation is everybody's thing and at such, is gradually growing into what many visionaries have thought it to grow into. It could be fun driving around, especially driving in those supper cars that are supper fast and supper expensive. It could also be fun driving those draggy ones meant for off road or better still, those intended for use on the beach sides. We can go on listing how fun it can be while driving or to drive but then, all the fun comes to a halt on a traffic  jam (have you even been stocked in traffic, nothing can be worst when you have an appointment to catch), bad roads, engine or other related faults, not to mention road accidents.

As the use of automobile increases, so also its risk to humans. Emission from engines is doing more harm to the earth climate to add to the frequent lost of lives resulting from road use errors and other factors such as bad roads. There is therefore need for us to rethink our means of mobility, our transportation it all perspectives. While the Hyperloop project has promised tremendous transformation in future transportation, we need take a look at the cutting edge innovations that have change the way we view road transportation.

Tuesday 19 April 2016



The world today unlike what is seen in the ordinary is very diverse, concealing a dept of knowledge only accessible by mind who desire. Often, many are contended with that which they know and that which they are told of, they lack the thirst for versatility in natural occurrences and the interest to dig out facts hidden just beneath their skin. You must at this point be wondering why use the title "YOU ARE PROGRAMMED", I tell you the fact, in order to truly understand what am about to lay down, you must first clear you head of certain unnecessary factors and keep an open mind, Open mindedness with which you can analyze what i am about presenting before you.

To start with, PROGRAM when defined in relation to Computing is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program's instructions in a central processing unit (Wikipedia).  Also, the Mind is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought or The mind is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory (Wikipedia). As much as there is no universally agreed definition of what a mind is and what its distinguishing properties are, you can agree with me that the mind controls who you are as well of your views of the physical and psychological earth. 

Every man reasons differently, but surprisingly, most  people have a collective way of passing judgement or drawing conclusion over certain matters which is mostly as a result of the kind of orientation they are given, books they read, stories they heard or the kind of society or environment they grew into. This my friends is evident that you can be made to act in a way, which in turn means to be Programmed. While you are still rapping your head over what to agree on, have you noticed how often men lost after the structural features of the opposite sex? I actually want to agree to the biological evidences that has been presented as the leading cause of lost but the problem with biology is that it proffers biological solutions to psychological issues. It is more like hardware and software, were the body is the hardware and the mind is software. What you should know is that your body is designed to carry this program and your body is configured to sustain a heavy stream of information linking it to its environment.

There are many levels to this programming of the human mind but for a start we will deal with Nature. Nature from what we have discovered so far is vast and complicated. Recently, many have come to understand that there is more to it than Biology. As humans, most of the things we do (our actions) are imprints that points to our level of operation within the physical earth. Every thing is ordered in relation to the natural environment in connection to the psychological realm which controls the physical. Nature is the name you know, even when it is obvious that there are other forces acting in several ways. What you must keep in mind is that the human man is a programmed kind. We are programmed to learn, to survive, to grow, to improvise, to die. Every thing we do, we act just as programmed to.
Do not get it wrong, this is not based on the perspective of our everyday engagement. As mentioned earlier, our program allows us to learn. Many people view themselves as acting independently of any force, many have even conveniently theorized the gradual evolutionary processes from which we became, painting it clear that we live independent of any form of kind of interference. That could be true, in fact, it is true in the minds of many who are fighting had to raise evidences that supports their views. It is so very obvious that these facts can been found within us, the fact that we have some sort of program running in us, the fact that a human will always have human instincts even when kept away from human from or before birth, the fact that certain behaviors are encoded in our DNA, information passed down the ages.
Have you given it a good consideration, Humans are meant to be lead, this was not such a unique feature until they started make own choices, taken own actions and more. There are things that you will ordinaryly not do but then, you start wondering why you do them, why you go to certain heights to do certain things. Just like the programs we are accustomed to (the computer program) you dont decide how it works, the programmer does, you do not know exactly why you are here, when you came to be and or where u came from, but your instincts tell you, there must be something out there. The evolutionist explanations of life formation simply satisfies the curiosity of many who simply needs a more human answers to the question "HOW". factually, it never stopped at that and that is not an evidence to our existence. We are yet to understand the truth, especially when viewing it from the ordinary.

Tuesday 29 March 2016



Home automation is the domestic application of building automation. Imagine a situation were all the devices in your house could connect to the Internet? Not just computers and smartphones, but everything: clocks, garage doors, speakers, lights, doors, windows, window blinds, door bells, water heaters, appliances, every thing. what if these devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your commands? No magic; it's the Internet of Things (IoT), and it's a key component of home automation. 
Home automation is the use and control of home appliances remotely or automatically. Early home automation began with labour-saving machines like washing machines. Some home automation appliances are stand alone and do not communicate, such as a programmable light switch, while others are part of the internet of things and are networked for remote control and data transfer. Hardware devices can include sensors (like cameras and thermometers), controllers, actuators (to do things), and communication systems. Remote control can range from a simple remote control to a smartphone with Bluetooth, to a computer on the other side of the world connected by internet. Home automation systems are available which consist of a suite of products designed to work together. These typically connected through Wi-Fi or power line communication to a hub which is then accessed with a software application

Home automation is nothing more than the ability to control items around the house with a simple push of a button (or a voice command). homes are becoming smarter by the day, we practically on daily bases out phase older technologies with new ones thus bringing together devices that can perform these task. Eventually there is no need to be bothered with the word Automation because it is not actually as difficult as it sounds. there are already a bunch of these devices out there and even within our homes today that can simply be integrated to do cool stuffs at home. Eventually, there is no need tearing down already existing electrical connections for instance in order to outfit them with those that could be automated as there are devices that can be used to bring already existing ones together.

Popular suites of products include X10, Z-Wave, Zigbee and a whole lot more all of which are incompatible with each other. Home automation is the domestic application of building automation.

Home-Automation Technologies

x10Before you buy a bunch of home-automation products, it helps to understand the technologies involved in setting up and using them. These products use many different communication protocols. Some are wired, some wireless, and some are a combination. Try to stick with one protocol when buying products, or get a hub/gateway that supports multiple protocols.
This granddaddy of home automation protocols dates back to the 1970s and has gone from power line-based to wireless.  X10 is not known for robust speed or great communication between units on the home automation network. It is, however, typically inexpensive. 

ZigBeeZigBee is a wireless 802 standard from the IEEE, which is to say, a bunch of gearheads came up with it before an outside group (the Zigbee Alliance) made up of vendors created products that use it. One of the key elements in IEEE 802.15.4 (its real name) is that it makes a mesh network so that most of the devices communicate equally. It's also very low power. (You may also hear about Thread, a new wireless protocol that uses the same radio chips and frequency at ZigBee, and connects up to 250 devices in a home to the cloud.)

Another wireless home automation protocol,  Z-Wave is owned by one company, Sigma Designs, which makes all the chips for other vendors to make Z-Wave-capable products, known as the Z-Wave Alliance. 

This may be the best of all protocols because it combines a wired power line-based protocol with wireless. Both work as a mesh; all nodes on an Insteon home automation network are peers that can communicate when in proximity. If one fails, the other mesh can take over. You can buy Insteon devices at, which is run by SmartLabs, the developers of Insteon. It's compatible with X10.

This is the networking protocol we're all used to for sharing an Internet connection among laptops, game consoles, and so much more. It's super-fast and ubiquitous. So, of course, it's inevitable that some vendors would make home automation products to take advantage of it. The other protocols use less power and bandwidth but Wi-Fi's reach can't be understated, even if it is overkill to use it to turn a lamp on and off.

A staple of every PC, smartphone, and tablet, Bluetooth is better known for connecting items at a short range like keyboards, mice, headphones, and earbuds. But a lot of new products use the Bluetooth 4.0, aka Bluetooth Low Energy, aka Bluetooth Smart. It doesn't require purposeful re-connection all the time, making it a good solution for select IoT items.

  • Integration with the smart grid, taking advantage, for instance, of high solar panel output in the middle of the day to run washing machines.

Thursday 17 March 2016



Every car maker today seeks the best and most advance way of making mobility more luxurious, fast and reliable, not necessarily affordable though. Making materials out of ultra-light weight stronger than still materials that fits the sleekly well streamlined body of today's cars. With one step leading to another and the industrialization revolution, thing are becoming more autonomous than ever before. Aside the autonomous races, many car manufacturers are beginning to highlight the importance of more developed engines, efficient in burning of gas. Every one at a point has ventured into Hybrid engines, utilizing both combustion and electric engines to run the wheels which have in turn changed the way we look at the automobile industries. 

What’s driving change

From the ground level, three powerful forces are roiling the auto industry: shifts in consumer demand, expanded regulatory requirements for safety and fuel economy, and the increased availability of data and information.

Shifts in consumer demand. Consumers appear to be rethinking their long love affair with individual automobile brands and viewing cars more as transportation machines. Although this is not likely to have a major impact on sales volume, it is affecting how much people are willing to pay for automobiles. That willingness is also affected by the waning of product differentiation, due partly to a general increase in vehicle quality throughout the industry. The Detroit Three have caught up with Japanese OEMs, and the mass market is catching up with luxury. Consumers are also demanding more sophisticated infotainment systems at a low price, and are expecting more high-end features to be standard.
Major transitions are under way that will transform auto manufacturing over the next 10 years.

Expanded regulatory requirements. Tighter corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) regulations in the United States as well as the rest of the world are more expensive for OEMs to comply with, requiring higher volume to amortize increasing costs. Regulators are also mandating that more safety-related features, such as backup cameras, be included as standard equipment on new models, adding further to costs.
Increasing availability of data and information. Information about vehicle usage and driver behavior usage is proliferating as sensors and telematics systems become more common. All players across the automotive value chain are interested in collecting more customer and car data, but uncertainty about how to use it is still widespread. Meanwhile, consumers are awash in easily accessible information about automobile specifications, prices, discounts, quality, and performance, giving buyers greater bargaining power.
(As published on