Saturday 11 July 2015

The Secrete Cycle

 The Secrete Cycle

First, think of tech in its fullness, the glory it brings to the countries that have them and the fact that technology controls all other factors because its is  the most powerful weapon and resources on earth. Yes i said it is the most powerful resources. Have you noticed that most countries who have plenty resources (natural resources) without the needed technology are economically controlled by countries who have tech and maybe, do not have any resources. Note, once you control the economy, you control all.
Over the years, tech has grown even stronger but remains a reflection of the ancient ways, a chain of  knowledge passed down through ages, channeled through a network that remains a secrete to many and the few who discovered this network become what you now know as inventors who are then followed and worshiped like gods (they actually become gods). It will interest you to know that technology is being controlled by a few, this is because tech is always in the middle of all what you see and know today.
Does it really make sense what you see? what about the idea behind the tech you use today. many countries has become a test ground for growing technologies and this the simple reason why you hear war going on here and there and there seems to be an unending supply of weapons to every groups who want to fight, where as, people supply these weapons and gets paid for it while the manufacturer on  the other hand gets a stream of feed back with which he develops even more complicated weapons.

Funny enough, technologies that were invented over 5 centuries ago by some countries are up till today an impossibility to most countries, there by remaining completely under the control of those other countries who have tech. It is a control system. I pointed out one thing here, tech is power but as power, it is being controlled by  a few who wants to subject and control the flow of others.

Tech makes you feel powerful, why on earth will china raise against the US? what in the first place inspired the second World War? Why on earth is the US not afraid of any country discovering any amount or dept of resources but will do the worst trying to prevent some countries from accessing technologies they already posses?
A creative man is a powerful man. Restraining others from getting to your level of technology is a sure way of keeping the lead over them and this is what is being done today. Technology is ment  to be a uniting factor that will bring mans creativeness into a hub solution for any problem that will confront humanity instead of the destruction that man is being faced with.

Thus, one starts to wonder why most countries keep their tech to them selves. Well, i believe you now know why. Many deaths are recorded around the world on daily bases and people (far from were all these are happening) are benefiting for the demise of others and this is totally unfair. I say it should be TECHNOLOGY FOR ALL AND FOR GOOD.